Group Leader

Ssu-Yen Huang 黃斯衍
Associate Professor (2014-present)
Department of Physics, National Taiwan University
Dept.of Physics/Center for Condensed Building R630
1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-3366-5179
E-mail: syhuang@phys.ntu.edu.tw
PhD, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
2018-Present Associate Professor
National Taiwan University
2014-2018 Assistant Professor
National Taiwan University
2013-2014 Postdoctoral Research Associate
Johns Hopkins University
2011-2013 Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dragon Gate Program at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan and Johns Hopkins University.
2010-2011 Postdoctoral Research Associate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2009-2010 Postdoctoral Research Associate
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Spin-dependent thermal and electrical transport, Spintronic phenomena and devices, Spin injection into heterostructures, Interplay of superconductivity and magnetic ordering
2018 Ta-You Wu Memorial Award
2018 Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award
2018 Academia Sinica Junior Research Investigators Award.
2018 Research Achievement Award, Taiwan Association for Magnetic Technology.
2017 Ministry of Science and Technology "Excellent Young Scholar Research Program"
2016 Adviser of the Taipei City Secondary School Student Science Award
2016 Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award
2015 Golden Jade Fellowship
2014 Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (AUMS) Young Researcher Award
2010 Ph. D. Dissertation award, The Physical Society of ROC
2009 Best Ph. D. dissertation award, Taiwan Association for Magnetic Technology.
Reviewer for international physics/materials science journals:
Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Nature Communication, NPG Asia Materials, Applied Physics Letters, Applied Physics Materials, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.