Group Members
Principal Investigator

Ssu-Yen Huang 黃斯衍
Associate Professor (2014-present)
Department of Physics, National Taiwan University
Dept.of Physics/Center for Condensed Building R630
1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-3366-5179
E-mail: syhuang@phys.ntu.edu.tw
PhD, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Group Members
Ph. D. Students
Research Assistant
Master Students

Po-Hsun, Wu 吳柏勳
Research Interest:
Spintronics and Devices
Antiferromagnetic Materials
Spin dependent of thermal transport
Po-Hsun Wu, Ying-Ting Chan, Tzu-Chao Hung, Yi-Hui Zhang, Danru Qu, Tien-Ming Chuang, Ssu-Yen Huang, Best Poster Paper Award: 2020 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Pingtung (Feb. 3-5, 2020) “Surface Spin-Flop Transition with Extremely Low Critical Field in Y3Fe5O12”
Master Dissertation Award: The Physical Society of the Republic of China (2017.01).
Best Poster Paper Award: Magnetic Interaction between Surface and Bulk Y3Fe5O12, Po-Hsun Wu and Ssu-Yen Huang, Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of the ROC, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung (2016).
Dean’s Award (2016): College of Science, National Taiwan University
Master Thesis Award (2016), Taiwan Association for Magnetic Technology
Po-Hsun Wu, Yen-Chang Tu, Danru Qu, Hsia-Ling Liang, Shang-Fan Lee, and Ssu-Yen Huang, “Probing the spin-glass freezing transition in Cu1−xMnx alloy by spin current”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 104413 (2020).
C. C. Chiang, S. Y. Huang*, D. Qu, P. H. Wu, and C. L. Chien, “Absence of Evidence of Electrical Switching of the Antiferromagnetic Néel Vector”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 227203 (2019). [Editors' Suggestion & Featured in Physics]
T. C. Chuang, P. L. Su, P. H. Wu, and S. Y. Huang, “Enhancement of the anomalous Nernst effect in ferromagnetic thin films”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 174406 (2017).
Po-Hsun Wu and Ssu-Yen Huang, "Noncollinear magnetization between surface and bulk Y3Fe5O12", Phys. Rev. B 94, 024405 (2016)

Tsao-Chi, Chuang 莊造奇
Research Interest:
Spintronics and nanomagnetism
Magnetization switching by spin-orbit torque
Spin Hall effect and Spin-orbitronics
Tsao-Chi Chuang, Chi-Feng Pai, Ssu-Yen Huang, Best Poster Paper Award: 2020 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Pingtung (Feb. 3-5, 2020) “Cr-driven field-free spin-orbit torque switching of perpendicular magnetization”.
The 1st place for poster competition of college of Science in Chung Cheng University: “Oscillation in Exchange Coupling and Giant Magnetic Resistance in Synthetic Antiferromagnetic Structures Co20Fe60B20/Ta(x)/Co20Fe60B20” Tsao-Chi Chuang, Chih-Wei Cheng, Liou-Chuan Yu, Zhen-Qi Lee, Chien-Shuen Houng, and G. Chern*(2015).
T. C. Chuang, D. Qu*, S. Y. Huang*, and S. F. Lee, “Magnetization-dependent spin Hall effect in a perpendicular magnetized film”, Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 032053(R) (2020) (Rapid Communications).
Yi-Hui Zhang, Ting-Wei Weng, Tsao-Chi Chuang*, Danru Qu, and Ssu-Yen Huang*, “Demonstration of Spin Current Switch across Ferro-Antiferromagnetic Transition”, Adv. Quantum Technol., 3 20200059 (2020).
T. C. Chuang, C. F. Pai, and S. Y. Huang*, “Cr-induced Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy and Field-Free Spin-Orbit-Torque Switching”, Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 061005 (2019). [Letter]
T. C. Chuang, P. L. Su, P. H. Wu, and S. Y. Huang*, “Enhancement of the anomalous Nernst effect in ferromagnetic thin films”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 174406 (2017).
Tian-Yue Chen, Tsao-Chi Chuang, Ssu-Yen Huang, Hung-Wei Yen, and Chi-Feng Pai*, "Spin-Orbit Torque from a Magnetic Heterostructure of High-Entropy Alloy", Phys. Rev. Appl. 8, 044005 (2017).

Chih-Chieh, Chiang 蔣智傑
Research Interest:
Spintronics & Antiferromagnet
Magnetization switching by spin-orbit torque
Chih-Chieh, Chiang, Ssu-Yen Huang, Danru Qu, Po-Hsun Wu, Chia-Ling Chien, Best Poster Paper Award: 2020 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Pingtung (Feb. 3-5, 2020) “Evidence of Electrical Switching of the Antiferromagnetic Néel Vector”.
2016 First Prize, Taiwan College-student Physicists' Tournament
2015 First Prize, Poster competition at National Changhua University of Education, C.C. Chiang and J. C. Wu, "Shaded Pole"
C. C. Chiang, S. Y. Huang*, D. Qu, P. H. Wu, and C. L. Chien, “Absence of Evidence of Electrical Switching of the Antiferromagnetic Néel Vector”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 227203 (2019). [Editors' Suggestion & Featured in Physics]

Yi-Hui, Zhang 張一卉
Yi-Hui Zhang, Ting-Wei Weng, Tsao-Chi Chuang*, Danru Qu, and Ssu-Yen Huang*, “Demonstration of Spin Current Switch across Ferro-Antiferromagnetic Transition”, Adv. Quantum Technol., 3 20200059 (2020).

Tsai-Lin, Wang 王采琳
Administrative Assistant

Yen-Chang,Tu 杜彥璋
Research Interest:
Spintronics and Devices
Magnetic disorder Materials
Spin dependent of thermal transport
Yen-Chang Tu, excellence thesis award of Taiwan Association for Magnetic Technology (TAMT) in July. 2019, entitled "Influence of spin fluctuation on longitudinal spin Seebeck effect".
Yen-Chang Tu, Po-Hsun Wu, Shang-Fan Lee, Ssu-Yen Huang, Best Poster Paper Award: 2019 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Hsinchu (Jan. 23-25, 2019) “Influence of spin fluctuation on longitudinal spin Seebeck effect”.
Po-Hsun Wu, Yen-Chang Tu, Danru Qu, Hsia-Ling Liang, Shang-Fan Lee, and Ssu-Yen Huang, “Probing the spin-glass freezing transition in Cu1−xMnx alloy by spin current”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 104413 (2020).

Hsia-Ling, Liang 梁夏菱
Hsia-Ling Liang, Best Thesis Award of Taiwan Association for Magnetic Technology (TAMT) in July 2020, entitled “Evidence of spin-to-charge conversion in semimetal Bismuth”.
Po-Hsun Wu, Yen-Chang Tu, Danru Qu, Hsia-Ling Liang, Shang-Fan Lee, and Ssu-Yen Huang, “Probing the spin-glass freezing transition in Cu1−xMnx alloy by spin current”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 104413 (2020).

Feng-Jen, Chang 張逢仁
Research Interest:
• Fabrication of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) nanometer thin film by sputtering
• Spin Seebeck effect
• Spin pumping
• Excellence thesis award of Taiwan Association for Magnetic Technology(TAMT) in Jun. 2017, entitled "Investigation of the pure spin current generation in epitaxial and poly-crystal magnetic insulator YIG".
• “Robust spin current generated by the spin Seebeck effect”,Phys. Rev. Materials 1, 031401(2017).(Rapid Communications & Editors’ suggestion)

Po-Lung, Su 蘇柏龍
Research Interest:
Spintronics and devices
ANE in multilayer structure
Thickness dependent ANE
T. C. Chuang, P. L. Su, P. H. Wu, and S. Y. Huang, “Enhancement of the anomalous Nernst effect in ferromagnetic thin films”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 174406 (2017).

Bo-Wei, Wu 吳柏威
Research Interest:
• Spintronics and nanomagnetism
• Spin dependent of thermal transport
• Best Poster Paper Award: Observation of longitudinal spin Seebeck effect in ferromagnetic metal La0.7Sr0.3MnO3, B. W. Wu, G. Y. Luo, J. G. Lin and S. Y. Huang, Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of the ROC, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung (2016).
•“Longitudinal spin Seebeck effect in a half-metallic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 film”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 060402 (2017).(Rapid Communications)

Yi-Jia, Chen 陳奕嘉
Research Interests:
Spin Seebeck effect and anomalous Nernst effect
Yi-Jia Chen and Ssu-Yen Huang, “Light-induced thermal spin current”, Phys. Rev. B 99, 094426 (2019).
Yi-Jia Chen and Ssu-Yen Huang, “Absence of the Thermal Hall Effect in Anomalous Nernst and Spin Seebeck Effects”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 247201 (2016).

Ting-Wei, Weng 翁廷瑋
Yi-Hui Zhang, Ting-Wei Weng, Tsao-Chi Chuang*, Danru Qu, and Ssu-Yen Huang*, “Demonstration of Spin Current Switch across Ferro-Antiferromagnetic Transition”, Adv. Quantum Technol., 3 20200059 (2020).

Lavanya K Achaiah
Research Interests:
● Spin Caloritronics
● Thermal Spin Injection using Heusler Alloys
● Spin dependent Seebeck Effect