S. Y. Huang*, D. Qu, T. C. Chuang, C. C. Chiang, W. Lin, and C. L. Chien*, “Pure spin current phenomena”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 190501 (2020) (Perspective and Editor’s prick)
T. C. Chuang, D. Qu*, S. Y. Huang*, and S. F. Lee, “Magnetizatio –dependent spin Hall effect in a perpendicular magnetized film”, Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 032053(R) (2020) (Rapid Communications).
Yi-Hui Zhang, Ting-Wei Weng, Tsao-Chi Chuang*, Danru Qu, and Ssu-Yen Huang*, “Demonstration of Spin Current Switch across Ferro-Antiferromagnetic Transition”, Adv. Quantum Technol., 3 20200059 (2020).
Wan-Hsiu Chang Chien , Jing-Ya Huang, Jun-Xiao Lin, Yen-Fa Liao, Hung-Wen Su, Hsia-Ling Liang, Ssu-Yen Huang, Yeong-Der Yao, and Hua-Shu Hsu, “Low Current Densities Toggle Optical Polarization Switching in Pt/YIG Magnetic Heterostructures Using Energy Resolution”, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, 2020, 2000223 (2020).
Po-Hsun Wu, Yen-Chang Tu, Danru Qu, Hsia-Ling Liang, Shang-Fan Lee, and Ssu-Yen Huang*, “Probing the spin-glass freezing transition in Cu1−xMnx alloy by spin current”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 104413 (2020)
C. C. Chiang, S. Y. Huang*, D. Qu, P. H. Wu, and C. L. Chien, "Absence of Evidence of Electrical Switching of the Antiferromagnetic Néel Vector", Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 227203 (2019). (Editors' Suggestion & Featured in Physics)
T.C. Chuang, C.F. Pai, and S.Y. Huang, "Cr -induced Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy and Field-Free Spin-Orbit-Torque Switching" ,Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 061005 (2019)
Y. S. Chen, J. G. Lin, S. Y. Huang, and C. L. ,"Incoherent spin pumping from YIG single crystals",Phys. Rev. B 99, 220402(R) (2019)
Yi-Jia Chen and Ssu-Yen Huang, “Light-induced thermal spin current”, Phys. Rev. B 99, 094426 (2019).
D. Qu, S. Y. Huang, G. Y. Guo, and C. L. Chien, “Inverse spin Hall effect in AuxTa1−x alloy films”, Phys. Rev. B 97, 024402 (2018).
T. C. Chuang, P. L. Su, P. H. Wu, and S. Y. Huang, “Enhancement of the anomalous Nernst effect in ferromagnetic thin films”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 174406 (2017).
Tian-Yue Chen, Tsao-Chi Chuang, Ssu-Yen Huang, Hung-Wei Yen, and Chi-Feng Pai, "Spin-Orbit Torque from a Magnetic Heterostructure of High-Entropy Alloy", Phys. Rev. Appl. 8, 044005 (2017).
Feng-Jen Chang, Jauyn Grace Lin, and Ssu-Yen Huang, “Robust spin current generated by the spin Seebeck effect”, Phys. Rev. Materials 1, 031401 (2017).(Rapid Communications & Editors’ suggestion)
Bo-Wei Wu, G. Y. Luo, J. G. Lin, and Ssu-Yen Huang, “Longitudinal spin Seebeck effect in a half-metallic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 film”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 060402 (2017). (Rapid Communications)
Yi-Jia Chen and Ssu-Yen Huang, “Absence of the Thermal Hall Effect in Anomalous Nernst and Spin Seebeck Effects”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 247201 (2016).
Po-Hsun Wu and Ssu-Yen Huang, “Noncollinear magnetization between surface and bulk Y3Fe5O12”, Phys. Rev. B. 94, 024405 (2016).
Dai Tian, Yufan Li, D. Qu, S. Y. Huang, Xiaofeng Jin, and C. L. Chien, “Manipulation of pure spin current in ferromagnetic metals independent of magnetization”, Phys. Rev. B. 94, 020403 (R) (2016).
B. F. Miao, S. Y. Huang, D. Qu, and C. L. Chien, “Absence of Anomalous Nernst Effect in Spin Seebeck Effect of Pt/YIG” AIP Advance 6, 015018 (2016).
D. Qu, S. Y. Huang, and C. L. Chien, “Inverse spin Hall effect in Cr: Independence of antiferromagnetic ordering”, Phys. Rev. B. 92, 020418(R) (2015).
S. Y. Huang, D. Qu, J. W. Cai, B. F. Miao, and C. L. Chien, Reply to “Comment on ‘Hybrid magnetoresistance in the proximity of a ferromagnet’ ”, Phys. Rev. B. 90 016401 (2014).
B. F. Miao, S. Y. Huang, D. Qu, and C. L. Chien, Physical Origins of the New Magnetoresistance in Pt/YIG, Phys. Rev. L. 112 236601 (2014).
P. Hyde, Lihui Bai, D. M. J. Kumar, B. W. Southern, C.-M. Hu, S. Y. Huang, B. F. Miao, and C. L. Chien, Electrical detection of direct and alternating spin current injected from a ferromagnetic insulator into a ferromagnetic metal, Phys. Rev. B. 89 180404 (R) (2014).
D. Qu. S. Y. Huang, B. F. Miao, S. X. Huang and C. L. Chien, Self-consistent determination of spin Hall angles in selected 5d metals by thermal spin injection, Phys. Rev. B. 89 140407(R) (2014).
S. Y. Huang, D. Qu. and C. L. Chien, Charge, Spin, and Heat Transport in the Proximity of Metal/Ferromagnet Interface, Recent Advances in Magnetics Insulators - From Spintronics to Microwave Applications (A Special Issue of “Solid State Physics” Series 2013).
B. F. Miao, S. Y. Huang, D. Qu, and C. L. Chien, Inverse spin Hall effect in a ferromagnetic metal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 066602 (2013). Editor suggestions.
Y. M. Lu, J. W. Cai, S. Y. Huang, D. Qu, B. F. Miao, and C. L. Chien,Magnetoresistance due to magnetic proximity effects at the interface of aplatinum/ferromagnet structure, Phys. Rev. B. 87 220409(R) (2013).
C. N. Wu, T. S. Wu, S. Y. Huang, W. C. Lee, Y. H. Chang, Y. L. Soo, M. Hong, and J. Kwo, Ferromagnetism in cluster free, transition metal doped high κ dilute magnetic oxides: films and nanocrystals, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17C309 (2013).
Y. M. Lu, Y. Choi, C. M. Ortega, X. M. Cheng, J. W. Cai, S. Y. Huang, L. Sun, and C. L. Chien, Pt Magnetic Polarization on Y3Fe5O12 and Magneto-Transport Characteristics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 147207 (2013).
D. Qu, S. Y. Huang, Jun Hu, Ruqian Wu, and C. L. Chien, Intrinsic Spin Seebeck Effect in Au/YIG, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 067206 (2013).
L. K. Lin, S. Y. Huang, J. H. Huang, and S. F. Lee, Nb lateral Josephson junctions induced by a NiFe cross strip, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 242601 (2012).
L. K. Lin, S. Y. Huang, J. H. Huang, and S. F. Lee, Nb lateral Josephson junctions induced by Inverse Proximity with NiFe, IEEE Trans. Magn. 48, 4236 (2012).
S. Y. Huang, W. G. Wang, D. Qu, S. F. Lee, J. Kwo, and C. L. Chien, Thermal spin transport and application, invited paper on IEDM Digest, 12, 255-258 (2012).
C. N. Wu, S. Y. Huang, W. C. Lee, Y. H. Chang, T. S. Wu, Y. L. Soo, M. Hong, and J. Kwo, Room temperature ferromagnetic behavior in cluster free, Co doped Y2O3 dilute magnetic oxide films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 162403 (2012).
S. Y. Huang, X. Fan, D. Qu, Y. P. Chen, W. G. Wang, J. Wu, T. Y. Chen, J. Q. Xiao and C. L. Chien, Transport magnetic proximity effects in platinum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 107204 (2012).
S. Y. Huang, W. G. Wang, S. F. Lee, J. Kwo, and C. L. Chien, Intrinsic spin-dependent thermal transport, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 216604 (2011). Editor highlights on Physics Synopsis: Thermal Spintronics on a Firm Footing; Selected for the Nov. 28, (2011) issue 22 of Virtual Journal of Nanomagnetism and spintronics.
S. Y. Huang, J. J. Liang, S. Y. Hsu, L. K. Lin, T. C. Tsai, and S. F. Lee, High interfacial transparency in Cu0.5Ni0.5/Nb layered systems quantified by Current-Perpendicular-to-Plane resistance and superconducting properties, Eur. Phys. J. B 79, 153–162 (2011).
L. K. Lin, S. Y. Huang, J. K. Lin, J. H. Huang, and S. F. Lee, Influence of spin relaxation length on lateral double superconductor /ferromagne /superconductor junctions, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07E155 (2011).
H. Y. Hung, S. Y. Huang, P. Chang, W. C. Lin, Y. C. Liu, S. F. Lee, M. Hong and J. Kwo, Strong crystal anisotropy of magneto-transport property in Fe3Si epitaxial films, Journal of Crystal Growth 323, 372 (2011).
Y. C. Liu, P. Chang, S. Y. Huang, L. J. Chang, W. C. Lin, S. F. Lee, M. Hong and J. Kwo, Magnetization reversal processes of epitaxial Fe3Si film on GaAs(001), J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07D508 (2011).
T. W. Chiang, L. J. Chang, C. Yu, S. Y. Huang, D. C. Chen. Y. D. Yao and S. F. Lee, Demonstration of edge roughness effect on the magnetization reversal of spin valve submicron wires, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 0221009 (2010).
S. Y. Huang, Y. C. Chiu, J. J. Liang, L. K. Lin, T. C. Tsai, S. Y. Hsu, and S. F. Lee, Analysis of the proximity effect and the interface with perpendicular current in Ni/Nb system, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 07E319 (2009); Selected for the March 15, (2009) issue of Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity.
T. W. Chiang, Y. H. Chiu, S. Y. Huang, S. F. Lee, J. J. Liang, H. Jaffrès, J. M. George, and A. Lemaitre, Spectra broadening of point-contact Andreev reflection measurement on GaMnAs, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 07C507 (2009)
S. Y. Huang, J. J. Liang, T. C. Tsai, L. K. Lin, M. S. Lin, S. Y. Hsu, and S. F. Lee, Dimensional crossover and flux pinning of decoupled Cu50Ni50/Nb multilayers, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07C704 (2008); Selected for February 1, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity.
S. Y. Huang, S. F. Lee, S. Y. Hsu, and Y. D. Yao, Interface resistance and transparency in ferromagnet/superconductor Co/NbxTi1−x multilayers (x=1, 0.6, and 0.4), Phys. Rev. B 76, 024521 (2007); Selected for the August 1, (2007) issue of Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity.
S. Y. Huang, S. F. Lee, Jun-Jih Liang, C. Y. Yu, K. L. You, T. W. Chiang, S.Y. Hsu and Y. D. Yao, Properties of superconductivity for decoupled ferromagnet/superconductor trilayers and multilayers in Fe/Nb system, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 304, e81-e83 (2006).
S. Y. Huang, S. F. Lee, C. Y. Yu, S. Y. Hsu, and Y. D. Yao, Analysis of diffusive interface resistance for measurements with perpendicular current in Fe/Nb multilayers, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08M507 (2006); Selected for the May 1, (2006) issue of Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity.
S. Y. Huang, S. F. Lee, J. C. Huang, J. H. Huang, and Y. D. Yao, Perpendicular interface resistance in Co/NbxTi1-x multilayers for normal and superconducting NbTi alloy with x=0.4, 0.6, J. Appl. Phys. 97, 10B103 (2005); Selected for the May 15, (2005) issue of Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity.
S. F. Lee, S. Y. Huang, J. H. Kuo, Y. A. Lin, L. K. Lin, and Y. D. Yao, Quantitative analysis of interface resistance in Co/Nb multilayers for normal and superconducting Nb, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 8212 (2003); Selected for the May 15, (2003) issue of Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity.
S. F. Lee, J. J. Liang, T. M. Chuang, S. Y. Huang, J. H. Kuo, and Y. D. Yao, Paramagnetic Meissner effect depending on superconducting thickness in Co/Nb multilayers. Cond-mat/0301313, (2003).
S. Y. Huang, J. H. Kuo, S. F. Lee, and Y. D. Yao, Interface resistance with current perpendicular to the layer plans of Co/Nb mulitlayers system”, Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Technologies, pp. 107, A-02P, Taipei, Taiwan (2003).
T. M. Chuang, S. F. Lee, Y. D. Yao, S. Y. Huang, W. C. Cheng, and G. R. Huang, Anomalous magnetic moments in Co/Nb multilayers, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 239, 301 (2002).
S. F. Lee, T. M. Chuang, S. Y. Huang, W. L. Chang, and Y. D. Yao, Two-dimensional to three-dimensional crossover and magnetic penetration depth study in NbTi/Co multilayers, J. Appl. Phys. 89, 7493 (2001).