Effect of demagnetization factors on spin current transport

In this study, through changing the shape of YIG slab, we demonstrated the strong influence of the demagnetizing field on magnetic properties in YIG slab and various spin current transports in Pt/YIG, including the spin Seebeck effect, spin Hall effect, spin Hall magnetoresistance, and planar Hall resistance. The thickness-....
Demonstration of Spin Current Switch across Ferro-Antiferromagnetic Transition

The first-order magnetic phase transition between antiferromagnetic (AFM) and ferromagnetic (FM) states around room temperature is one of the unique features in FeRh. More fascinating is that the phase-transition temperature can be readily modulated by the magnetic field. In this work...
Probing the spin-glass freezing transition in Cu1−xMnx alloy by spin current

In this study, we used the thermally driven spin current to investigate the spin frustrations and spin fluctuations in spin-glass (SG) Cu1−xMnx alloys. Tuning the Cu1−xMnx composition results in a transition of the alloys from the SG state to the antiferromagnetic state; these states have different spin-freezing temperatures (Tf). For each alloy composition, we obtained a temperature .........
Cr-induced Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy and Field-Free Spin-Orbit-Torque Switching

Current-induced spin-orbit torque (SOT) switching in a heterostructure with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) has attracted great attention as a new writing method for spintronic devices. However, this highly attractive switching scheme is often accompanied by an unfavorable external magnetic field. In this work...
Enhancement of the anomalous Nernst effect in ferromagnetic thin films

The anomalous Nernst effect (ANE), generating spin thermoelectric signal (E) through spin-orbit coupling, is an important mechanism to explore the interaction between charge, heat, and spin. In this work, we employ the longitudinal experimental setup with a uniform out-of-plane temperature gradient (▽ T) in various ferromagnetic materials (FMs), including Fe, Co, Ni, and Py (Ni80Fe20)...
Absence of Evidence of Electrical Switching of the Antiferromagnetic Néel Vector

Antiferromagnet with zero net magnetization has several unique advantages, including ultrafast dynamics in the terahertz frequencies, robust against field perturbation, and generating no stray field. Recently, there have been numerous reports of electrical switching of antiferromagnetic (AFM) Néel vector via spin-orbit torque (SOT) attracting worldwide attention. .........
Light-induced thermal spin current

The generation of magnonic spin current by the spin Seebeck effect (SSE) and that of spin-polarized current by the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) are the most fascinating phenomena in the field of spin caloritronics. There are several methods to generate the temperature gradient (∇T), including Peltier heating, external heater, microwave heating, and light heating. Among them, light energy is one of the richest thermal energy harvesting sources....

Longitudinal spin Seebeck effect in a half-metallic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 film

The longitudinal spin Seebeck effect (LSSE) with a vertical temperature gradient is one of the most important mechanisms to generate pure spin current. Previous studies of the LSSE excited spin current focus mainly on the magnetic insulators...
Magnetization reversal behavior detected by thermal spin current

We show that the thermal measurement with a vertical temperature gradient is an important tool for detecting magnetization structure with high sensitivity. In the case of SSE, Pt/YIG is one of the most important bi-layer structures for studying pure spin current phenomena...
Inverse spin Hall effect in Ferromagnets

The inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) has been observed only in nonmagnetic metals, such as Pt and Au, with a strong spin-orbit coupling. We report the observation of ISHE in a ferromagnetic permalloy (Py) on ferromagnetic insulator yttrium iron garnet (YIG). ..